Around The Bay In A Day
Published on
14 Oct 2014

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Another iconic event for the Melbourne calendar! Who’s backing up the Melbourne Marathon with a casual 250 kms on the bike this Sunday with “Around the Bay in a Day ”?Being an endurance event, conserving energy and maximising efficiency is going to be the key for performing well on the day. So how is this achieved? The team at Pure have some solid cycling tips to help get you there from start to finish.
Another iconic event for the Melbourne calendar! Who’s backing up the Melbourne Marathon with a casual 250 kms on the bike this Sunday with “Around the Bay in a Day“? Being an endurance event, conserving energy and maximising efficiency is going to be the key for performing well on the day. So how is this achieved? The team at Pure have some solid cycling tips to help get you there from start to finish.
1) A sound training program
If you are attempting an event like this, no doubt you will have put in some solid hours into training. As with any activity, be it running or cycling, sudden changes in load or volume can result in injury. Joints, muscles, tendons and your cardiovascular system all appreciate a gradual build up so if you have done the training and put in the hard work in the last few months, it will pay off on the day!
2) Correct biomechanics/strength and technique
Riding a bike is simple right?
While having a good bike and turning the legs over might get the job done, we’re sure the cycling enthusiasts out there will have more to say about what contributes to a good performance at an event like this. A strong core from which your legs work from, strong legs to drive the pedals and correct activation of these muscles to push or pull at the correct time are all key.
Many have visited us for a bike assessment to ensure that their bodies are performing optimally on their own bikes, so if you have another goal in mind after this epic one, why not come see one of our physiotherapists.
3) Hydration and nutrition
Maintaining a good level of hydration as well as fuelling the body as you grind through the 250km loop will play a critical part in succeeding on the day. Gels, bananas, nuts and electrolyte drinks will no doubt be part of game plan.
Good luck to all participating! Have fun, relax, and if all else fails, just find a good mate to draft behind !