Mother’s Day Classic: 2017
Published on
10 May 2017

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The Mother’s Day Classic on again this weekend! While many of us enjoy sleep-ins on Sundays, this will be one Sunday to be getting out of bed for… what better way to spend Mother’s day than to work for that brunch that you can enjoy guilt-free afterwards?
The Event
This popular event started with modest beginnings in 1998, just literally a walk in the park, but has since grown into a well-established major national event that raises money for breast cancer research through the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Aside from being part of an amazing cause, which has seen a phenomenal $30.4 million raised since it’s humble beginnings… there are many other reasons for getting amongst the action.
Who Can Join In?
Firstly, this event is totally accessible and inclusive. Why not start with a 4km walk? You won’t need to do any training for this and you can even sign up on the day. And for those who think it’s “just a walk”, you are still faster than the person on the couch!
The Top 5 Reason Why “Just Walking” Can Still Play an Important Role in Your Health and Wellbeing:
It is well researched that as little as 30 minutes of walking a day at a moderate intensity can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity as well as proposed to increase the activity of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase), which is necessary for the metabolism of lipids/fats in your body.
Walking is a functional, low impact, weight-bearing activity which does wonders for bone health. Unfortunately, as oestrogen declines dramatically when women reach peri or post menopause, an increase in osteoclast activity occurs. This basically means that more bone is being absorbed than laid down leading to conditions such as osteoporosis. Walking can certainly slow down this process and keep bones healthy
Reduced Cancer Risk:
Walking has been linked to lowering the risk of breast cancer by lowering blood oestrogen levels. Exercise also reduces other cancer growth factors such as insulin.
Reduced Inflammation:
Studies have shown that exercise has a positive effect on inflammation and can be effective in controlling pain in degenerative joint disorders such as knee osteoarthritis. Because of the low impact nature of walking, there is little to no risk in exacerbating already established conditions.
Reduce Alzheimers Risk:
There is also a strong link that walking and regular exercise is helpful for reducing the risk of developing neurological disorders like alzheimers and dementia.
It’s The First Steps That Count!
So maybe this year is the year you start committing to a change in your lifestyle by introducing something as simple as regular walking. Entering an event like The Mother’s Day Classic is a great way to commit to training for an event that occurs annually.
Perhaps it’s a 4km walk to begin with this year and in a couple of years you might see yourself running the 8km. Either way, make a date with your mother, grandmother or a significant other and start somewhere.
We’re Always Here to Help!
If you’d like more advice on how to prepare for an event like this then contact our clinic to make a booking to join our friendly team at one of our CBD locations!
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