En Garde! The Health Benefits Of Fencing
Published on
23 Jan 2014

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Exercise regime in need of a shake up? How about fencing? Not only do you get to play with swords, you’ll improve your posture and core strength with movements similar to those used in rehab physio treatment. One of our physiotherapists, Roy Dookia, attends weekly classes and has shared his thoughts on the traditional sport...
Exercise regime in need of a shake up? How about fencing? Not only do you get to play with swords, you’ll improve your posture and core strength with movements similar to those used in rehab physio treatment. One of our physiotherapists, Roy Dookia, attends weekly classes and has shared his thoughts on the traditional sport:
If you’re looking to try something different as a form of exercise then fencing could be the option for you. Fencing will provide great physical and mental stimuli and is well suited to all body types and either gender due to it’s emphasis of skill and technique over pure strength.
It’s a great antidote for the desk based professional as you’re using your upper body, back and glutes that get neglected in sitting positions. The ‘en guard’ position is a sustained squat from which other movements, such as lunges and rapid forward and backward stepping follows. The strength gained will enhance your overall posture.
And… if for nothing else… you can get out any day-to-day aggression on your fencing partner!
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