Pure Physio Blog

Need a bike assessment?

Published on
01 May 2020

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During these unprecedented times people have been digging their old bikes out of the garage and getting back into their lycra to venture outside for their daily dose of exercise. Seasoned cyclists can no longer stop at the cafe to enjoy cake and coffee, so instead are increasing their cycling volume to escape the rigours of homeschooling.

You may have noticed the bike paths are more crowded than usual with cyclists ranging from families strolling along the many trails throughout Melbourne to the weekend warriors dusting off their road bikes to chase PB’s along beach road.  At Pure Physio we are seeing an increase in cycling related pain due to people cycling more than they are used to or starting  to cycle for the first time. We want to help you to continue cycling without pain or injury.  Pure Physio offer cycling assessments for all cyclists and bikes, using a tailored approach to achieve your individual goals. 

Our approach to cycling assessments at Pure Physio is multifaceted.  Firstly we want to know you.  How much cycling are you doing?  How long have you had your bike?  Have you had any cycling related injuries?  Do you have any cycling specific goals?  We then assess you to see how you move, looking at joint ranges, strength capacity and movement patterns specific to cycling. This builds a picture of you as a cyclist and possible causes of cycling related injuries. 

The second step of a cycling assessment at Pure Physio is analysing the way you interact with your bike. The geometry, or the setup of your bike, can be a strong factor contributing to cycling related injuries. Aspects of the bike setup that can be easily manipulated to reduce cycling related pain include the seat height, seat fore aft (horizontal movement) position, cleat position and handlebar position. Another key aspect is analysing the way you cycle. Cycling involves repetitive leg movements so a poor movement strategy with each pedal stroke can very quickly lead to an injury. 

The final step is integrating the assessment findings to optimally fit you to your bike with the aim to prevent injury or eliminate the cause of a current injury. To complement any changes to your bike setup you will be provided with an individualised rehabilitation program based on key areas identified in your assessment. You will also be given cues to optimise your cycling technique and education regarding appropriate cycling volume, rest and recovery. 

Whether you’re new to cycling or have not been in the saddle for a while and feel like we can help with your setup,  please contact one of our friendly admin team to arrange a cycling assessment with one of our qualified physiotherapists. 

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