Very Special Kids – Chain Reaction
Published on
27 Feb 2018

Call us on: (03) 9975 4133
Fitness related charity events are becoming increasingly popular, but they’re nothing new. Remember the old school step-a-thon and 'Jump Rope for Heart?' Before the days of online fundraising, you’d visit neighbours and ask your parents’ friends to sponsor you per steps walked or time spent jumping. Whilst that all happens online now, the premise is still the same.
For many people, sport – or any fitness activity – is a high priority. It’s something they make time for, feel the benefits of and have made an important part of their life. Sporting groups and communities are some of the most welcoming and motivating environments, bringing together individuals with not just similar interests, but often a fondness for a bit of healthy competition.

Fitness events like fun runs, cycling events, obstacle courses and similar, leverage off their participants’ competitive side and use it to ‘give back’ to the community. Participants will often already have a cause that resonates with them personally, be it environment, animal protection or healthcare, amongst so many options. The opportunity to help an organisation close to their heart whilst doing something that they love holds great appeal. Their supporters will likely already know how important their nominated cause is to them, which in turn helps participants reach and often exceed their fundraising goals. The sense of community and satisfaction of not only completing a personal fitness challenge but supporting a great cause is immeasurable.

From a charity’s point of view, being involved in fitness and sports events has immense benefit. To have people in the community raising awareness and funds on behalf of a charity is invaluable. These events provide an audience of community minded and passionate individuals, and their networks, that otherwise may not be familiar with the great work that the organisation does.
Very Special Kids supports families caring for a child with a life-threatening condition. The challenges these families face are vast and their strength is inspiring. For many of our supporters, it is these inspiring families that motivate them to tackle a fitness event. The task of run, a ride or a swim pales into comparison with the testing times faced by these families and in selecting Very Special Kids, participants are helping over 900 families around Victoria.

In 2018, Very Special Kids has been selected as one of the major charity partners of the Chain Reaction Challenge Victorian ride, taking place from 17th to the 23rd of March. Riders will tackle over 1,000 kms in 7 days raising funds to upgrade our hospice facility, which is Victoria’s only dedicated children’s hospice. Very Special Kids would like to thank Chain Reaction Challenge, the riders and their supporters for their ongoing commitment and hard work.
Donate to the event now!
Written and contributed by Kristi Ingrilli from VSK.
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