
We are passionate about what we do.

Senior Physiotherapist

Do you need treatment?

Book with Chee

Chee Yan Ting

Senior Physiotherapist
Collins St

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours), Monash University 2016
Further study in the areas of clinical pilates, lumbar spine, cervical spine and dry needling.
Level 3 Australian Professional Snowsports Inc. (APSI) ski instructor

Chee has worked with recreational athletes, semi professional athletes and those who are not athletic at all! Chee has a special interest in helping clients recover from long-standing neck and shoulder pain. She is also adept at managing acute knee and ankle injuries, with her passion for snow sports driving her interest in this area.  Chee uses a combination of recovery management strategies, tailored exercise plans and hands on treatment to ensure best outcomes for her clients.

In her spare time, Chee likes to stay active and participate in new sports. Chee loves being out in the mountains; hiking, riding a MTB or skiing and is a qualified ski instructor. She believes working on her fitness and injury prevention are key to sustaining an active lifestyle.

Fee Statement
Initial 60 minute consultation $170.00
Subsequent 30 minute consultation $130.00
Private health rebates available at the time of payment via HICAPS.

A crick in the neck? Understanding Acute Wry Neck

Acute wry neck, also known as a crick in the neck, is a condition characterised by sudden and painful neck stiffness and restricted movement - What is it & how you can manage it.

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Exercise, Recovery & the Menstrual Cycle

Have you noticed that your energy levels and recovery varies throughout the month? Maybe you feel stronger on certain days than others, or perhaps you lose motivation to go to the gym and feel low on energy on other days. This may be due to where you are in your cycle as the shift in hormone levels impacts your strength, flexibility and recovery.

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